I never really sawthe big picture before...
not until today.
Love can surespin your head around.
God, where do you begin?
The universe was createdfifteen billion years ago...
in a tremendous burstof pure energy.
The matter spreadingfrom this big bang...
became the galaxies.
Our sun and planetswere formed...
from swirling cloudsof star stuff...
over five billion years ago.
It took billions more years...
for the first lifeto be created...
in the primordial stewof earth's atmosphere.
Life slowly evolved.
One-celled organismslearned to reproduce...
and became more complex.
At firstclinging to the ocean floor...
then developing locomotionand sight.
Hundreds of millionsof years ago...
our primitive ancestorscrawled up on the shore.
Amphibiansgave way to reptiles...
who ruled the earthfor millions of years.
Then came warm-blooded mammals.
Man evolvedin the last few million years.
It tooktens of thousands of years...
for civilization as we know itto reach the modern era.