October 11 1931, Los Angeles.
A conflagration of biblical proportionsincinerates nearly everyone...
...in what was once LA'smost celebrated medical facility:
The Vannacutt Psychiatric InstituteFor the Criminally Insane.
But the secret this inferno burned freewas far more frightening...
...than any pictureHollywood could produce.
A sanitarium of slaughter...
...supervised by a surgeon gone mad:
Richard Benjamin Vannacutt.
Doctor Richard Benjamin Vannacutt.
Little known today...
...but likely the most prolificmass murderer of this century.
He out-butchered Bundy.
He made Manson look meek.
And the site ofhis carnagestill exists today...
...restored almost to its original state.
But it has yet to be inhabited1because some say...
...the spirits of Vannacutt and his victims...
...still live within the wallsof the House on Haunted Hill.
No shit.
We'll be back with moreTerrifying But True in a moment.
No need, baby.
You just gave me everything I needed.