- Everything- Everything
- Is everything- Is everything
What is meant to be will be
- After winter- After winter
- Must come spring- Must come spring
Change, it comes eventually
- Hey there, little Becky. Hey, Tiger.- Hi, Jimmy.
Hi, Mrs. Ross, Mr. Ross.How are you ?
- Deliveries in the back.- Excuse me ?
You heard me.Deliveries in the back.
Why do you thinkI'm a messenger ?
No, no, no, really.Why do you just...
assume I'm a messenger ?
Is it impossible for me to havea friend that lives here ?
Would that beout of the question ?
To have an old college chumthat lives upstairs...
that I'm comin' by to seejust to talk about old times ?
To have a little cocoa ?Would that upset you ?
What's wrong ?I can't have no cocoa ?
I don't look likeI like cocoa ?
What's wrong with me just comin' heretryin' to have some cocoa ?
I'm sorry, sir. I just-- I--Who did you come here to see ?
Nobody. Deliveryfor Charles Wellington.
Deliveries in the back.
Let me tell you thateverything is everything
- Look out ! Look out !- What's up, man ?
Everything is everything
Welcome to Amateur Night at the Apollo.
- Y'all ready for a show ?