[CriCkets Chirping]
[Glass Concrete & Stoneby David Byrne playing]
Now I'm wakin'at the crack of dawn
To send a little moneyhome
From here to the moon
Is risin'like a discotheque
And now my bags are downand packed
For traveling
(anchor woman)After months of speculation
analysts expectan announcement this week
that GlobeCom Internationalwill acquire
Waterman Publishing
and its flagship magazine,Sports AmeriCa.
The man at the helmof GlobeCom,
billionaire media magnateTeddy K.
has beenon a spending spree recently,
acquiringa food service company,
a cable operator
and twotelecommunications providers
in deals totalingmore than $13 billion.
And how did onelucky ferret owner
come to own
the largest dogtreat manufacturer
on the East Coast?
Skin, that covers mefrom head to toe
Except a couple tiny holes