Napisy pobrane z www.napiszone.prv.pl
[ Hip-Hop ]
Hits from the bong
Hits from the bongFrom the bong
[ Bong Water Bubbling ]Hits from the bong
From the bong
Hits from the bong Pick it, pack it
Fire it up
Come alongand take a hit from the bong
Put the blunt downjust for a second
Don 't get me wrongIt's not a new method
Inhale, exhale
Just got an ouncein the mail
I'd like a bluntor a big fat cone
But my double-barrel bongis gettin ' me stoned
I'm skillin 'There's water inside
Don 't spill it
Hits from the bong
Gonna get high
Hits from the bongGonna get high
L et's smoke that bowlHit the bong
And then take that fingeroff ofthat hole
Plug it, unplug itDon 't strain
I love you, MaryJane [ Pounding On Door]
What the fuckis your problem?
No dishwee-saya.
- Me bumbaclot johnsonno workin, see?.
- What?.
My raasclot true gashmanand me dick won't stay tick, see?.
I think I got somethin'for that. Hold on.
Ain't whatyou want, baby Girl, wake your ass up.
But whatyou need, baby Damn right you ain't sleep.
Not whatyou want, baby
It's whatyou need, baby ""Crabs.""
"" Bad Breath.""
- Come back with me, babySatisfaction guaranteed
- "" Limp Dick."" Ha!
Got that dough?.Mm-hmm.
Will this make my drill sergeantstand at attention?.
No, but it'll make youforget your drill sergeant
don't stand at attention.
Blaze two,get at me in the mornin'.
Yo, Silas, my brother!
Oh, shit, Mikey.Hell, no!
Come on, Silas.I need somethin'
to help me out.