Hi. Don't you recognize me?I'm Pia.
I went a coupIe of gradesbelow you at school.
Don't you remember me?
This is a little embarrassing,but l'm broke.
And sincethis is the holiday season ...
Would yougive me a lift into town?
It's simply a matter of principle.
Cab drivers get paidto drive someone from A to B.
That's how the taxi business works.
If I start driving people for free,it would undermine our business.
I would be disloyal.
I'm not doing this to be mean.I'd love to help you.
Hey, come here a minute.
Didn't you use to go outwith Kristoffer?
Do you recognize me now?
Now that you mention it ...Are you still going out?
No. I don't know.I hope so.
I've been gonefor the past six months.
A Christmas reunion?