It's time.
Hey there...
...good morning. How are you today?
Hey. What are you doing up?
Is that Daddy?
Hey there, cowgirl.
She's a little feisty today.
Babies should be sleeping.
"I'm too hungry for my own good."Yes.
I gotta get ready.
Wrong day to be forgetting stuff.
You know how lucky you are.Don't screw this up.
All right! Jesus.
-She go back to sleep?-Yes. Ate like a pig.
I know I'm lucky. I ace this job,the department's wide open.
Get my own division someday.You should see their houses.
Well, yes.
Don't worry, I will.
He's right here.It's Alonzo.
Yes, sir.
-Going to roll call?-I'm leaving now.
-Hoyt?-Yes, sir?
-Fairies go to roll call. We don't.-Good to know.
There's a coffee shop on 7th.Be there at 10.