Dedicated to thosewho lived through these events
She's coming. Hop to it!
Got the flowers?
I was taking them up.
Clear the whole floor.
Everybody out of sight! Move it!
Come back in 5 minutes!
Just one minute.
Like last Tuesday.
Carnations? Not for an actress!I told you!
She'll murder me! Marcel, help me!
She's here, ladies!To your rooms, please!
Him and his dame!What a fuss he makes!
You don't know who this "dame" is!
Everyone knows. It's Suzanne Raymond.I saw her movies...
Please, out of sight, all of you!Shoo!
If you need cigs...
Maybe later. In you go.Take care of that cough.
Out of sight! Thanks!Shoo!
Not again!
Got the champagne?
Snap to it!
What a mess!What did I do to deserve this?