Mixed Reviews
Thin Acceptance
– Directed by Richard Cantor
– More
– Language
Suzie Gold
:02:23 Everybody ready now?
Let's have a nice big smile.
:02:27 It's not every day
you get married.
:02:29 No. that's not me.
:02:31 Do you think I'd marry a nebekh
Iike Richard Levine?
:02:34 I'm the one on the Ieft
disguised as a dessert.
:02:38 It's my younger sister.
Sophie's wedding.
:02:41 But for my parents.
Barbara and Irving...
:02:44 it's is Iess to do with the joining
of man and woman in matrimony...
:02:46 and more to do with. weII.
napkin rings.
:02:53 My brother. Toby. straight out of
the Hampstead Garden Suburb.
:02:57 And my best friend Debbie.
the groom's sister.
:03:01 So I suppose we're
famiIy now.
:03:03 Most peopIe think she's a nightmare
but I think she's funny.
:03:07 Her dad. Tony.
he's a smaII man.
:03:10 But. the bouffant wig and
Cuban heeIs...
:03:12 give him a bit of heIp in both
:03:14 Her mum's caIIed Hope and
to be honest...
:03:18 she couId do with some.
:03:20 This is my worId. A worId
where everyone can be defined...
:03:25 by which tabIe they're on
at a wedding.
:03:29 The inner tabIes are for cIose
famiIy friends.
:03:32 Honest and IoyaI.
:03:35 Son of theirs. he's a good-for-nothing
who thinks he's a shvartze.
:03:39 This sauce doesn't taste kosher.
:03:41 That's Leo. he's a devout
:03:44 In MarbeIIa. where nobody's
watching. he'II eat a whoIe pig.
:03:47 SuddenIy here he's
the big rabbi.
:03:51 Out on the edges.
the 'C' Iist guests.
:03:54 The peopIe with non-Jewish
partners: the 'married out' tabIe.
:03:57 This is what he bought me
for Hanukah.
:03:59 -Chanukah. darling. Say 'Chanukah'.
-That's what l said. 'Hanukah'.