They say the great thing about being a kid is,it's so easy to pretend.
You can have a conversationwith your dog, or a baseball, or a banana.
Well, what if it wasn't pretend?What if you could have a conversation?
I mean, not with a baseball or a banana -that's ridiculous. But with your dog...
I mean, we don't have the same conceptof time that, for instance, people do.
Because you have watches and clocks.
But we do know that you go away. And it'snot like we don't know that you're gone.
So, we don't know exactly how long, no.
Why do dogs sniff each other's butts?
Well, that's just kindaour way of shaking hands.
If you really wanna get a sense ofwho somebody is, you gotta sniff their butt.
Son. Stop talking to the dog.
She doesn't understand a word.
At first his dad thought "Hey, it's harmless."
But as time went on, John crossed thatfine line between harmless and just weird.
Mr Galvin.
- Mr Dolittle.- This is my son John.
- John, this is your new principal, Mr Galvin.- Nice to meet you, John.
That's not good.
- Nice to meet you.- John...!
It was time to put an end to it.
Thank you for coming, Reverend.
Leave this boy, devil man. Go now, Satan.Take the serpent's voices with you.