ln South Vietnam,...
...communist groupsfrom the North have made...
...their deepest penetrationin the south,...
...so far in the war.
The enemy used tanks inan ambush today...
...against some two hundredAmerican air cavalry men...
...touching off a four hour battlenear Keisung.
And this late dispatch from theUS command in Vietnam:...
...allied troops have killed243 more Vietcong...
...in the vicinity of Saigon,in a battle that is still raging.
President Johnsontold a pro-administration...
...labor conventionin the nation's capital,...
...that this countrywill stand firm in Vietnam,...
...and will continue to buildbetter conditions in America.
lt sort of took a fellow backto the days of Harry Truman,...
...to hear his audience cheer him onwith shouts of 'Give them hell!',...
...as the Presidentdefended his record.
Now, the Americathat we are building,...
...would be a threatened nation...
...if we let freedom andliberty die in Vietnam.
We will do what must be done,and we'll do it both at home...
...and we'll do it whereverour brave men...
...are called upon to send.
This is the Americathat we have faith in.
This is a nation that is building.
This is a wonderful countrythat is growing.
And l hope that you men...
...are determined to help usmeet these problems.
l hope you men are determinedto see our help give justice.
Not just for ourselves...
...but for all the peopleof this nation...
...and for all the peopleof the world.
And l sometimes wonderwhy we Americans enjoy...