HI: My name is H.I. McDunnough.
[ Door slams ]
Call me Hi.
The first time I met Ed...
was in the county lockupin Tempe, Arizona.
DEPUTY:Don't forget his profile, Ed.
Turn to the right!
HI: The day I'll never forget.
Turn to the right!
What kind of name is Edfor a pretty thing like you?
ED: Short for Edwina.Turn to the right!
You're a flower, you are.
Just a little desert flower.
Let me know how those come out.
HI: Prison lifeis very structured...
more than most peoplecare for...
but there's a spirit ofcamaraderie between the men...
like you findonly in combat, maybe...
or on a pro ball club inthe heat of the pennant drive.
HI: In an effortto better ourselves...
we were forced to meetwith a counselor...
who tried to help us figure outwhy we were the way we were.
SCHWARTZ: All he wantedwas a hot roll and butter.
why do you use the word"trapped"?
Why do you say you feel trappedin a man's body?
Well, sometimes I getthe menstrual cramps real hard.
MAN:Have you learned anything, Hi?
HI: Yes, sir. You bet.
WOMAN: You wouldn't lie to us,would you?
HI: No, ma'am. Hope to say.
MAN: OK, then.
HI: I tried to stand upand fly straight...
but it wasn't easy with Reaganin the White House.
I don't know.