You don't know if these are designatedthe same as in the UK, do you?
The way they're numbered,according to lead size?
Is the numbering systemfor pencils universal?
- We would have no way of knowing that.- No.
Well, it looks like it could be.I think I'll assume it is.
Is your paper in individual sheetsor just in the pads?
I'll hang on to those while you look around.
Doesn't seem to mention acid content.It usually says whether it's acid-free or not.
All paper in this country is acid-free.
- Really?- That's how it goes.
Guess it's true what they sayabout how far ahead you Americans are.
That's wonderful.
- You with an art group?- No, just on my own.
On some kind of personal tour, then?
But you're an artist, right?You're not a tourist?
Harold here is just trying to find outyour purpose in bein' here.
- My purpose?- He won't be happy till you tell him.