Bow to the board.
This is the boy.
Born here in the workhouse.Moved to the parish farm.
Nine years old today.Time to be moved back here.
What's your name, boy?
- Oliver Twist.- What?
- That boy's a fool.- Boy. Listen to me.
You know you are an orphan,I suppose.
- What's that?- The boy is a fool. I thought he was.
You know you've gotno father or mother...
...and that you were brought upby the parish, don't you?
- Yes, sir.- What are you crying for?
I hope you say your prayersevery night.
Pray for those that feed youand take care of you...
...like a Christian.
- Yes, sir.- Well...
...you have come hereto be educated...
...and to be taught a useful trade.
Here, where do you want these?
Learn from the boy next to you.
- What am I to learn, sir?- Learn to pick out the oakum.
What's oakum, sir?
Stop asking so many questions.
Oakum's the fibers you unpickfrom the old rope.
Then it's used againfor the ships of Her Majesty's navy.
You're serving your country.
Now, get on with it.