And so it fell outthat at Pharsalia...
... the great might and manhood of Romemet in bloody civil war...
... and Caesar's legionsdestroyed those of the great Pompey...
... so that now only Caesarstood at the head of Rome.
But there was no joy for Caesaras in his other triumphs...
... for the dead which his legionscounted and buried and burned...
... were their own countrymen.
The smoke of burning Roman deadis just as black...
...and the stink no less.
It was Pompey, not I,who wanted it so.
Let what I have said be set down.
You may stand.
Do not try and impress me by lookingeither too penitent or too proud.
As field officers,you fought miserably for Pompey.
Men under your command will bepermitted to enlist in my legions...
...and returned to Rome as Romans.
You shall have the same privilege.
I'm not magnanimous. Your namesare marked. You'll be watched.