How I got into this predicament,I'll neverknow.
Absolutely incredible.
To be executed fora crimeI never committed.
Of course,isn't all mankind in the same boat?
Isn't all mankind ultimately executedfor a crime it never committed?
The difference isthat all men go eventually,
but I go six o'clock tomorrow morning.
I was supposed to go at fiive o'clock,but I have a smart lawyer. Got leniency.
I've a tremendous yearningto be young again.
A boy. Such happy memoriesat oursummerhouse.
Uncle Nikolai with his wonderful laugh.
God, he was repulsive.
There was Grandpa and Grandma,who had been married for 50 years
and still felt as deeply about one anotheras the day they met.
And my own father,a handsome and generous man.
In addition to oursummerand winterestate, he owned a valuable piece ofland.
True, it was a small piece. But he carriedit with him whereverhe went.
Dimitri Pietrovich!I would like to buy your land.
This land is not for sale.
Some day, I hope to build on it.
He was an idiot. But I loved him.