It's starting!Rainbow Randolph!
Welcome to The Rainbow Randolph Show!
Kidnet presents America'sfavorite kid-show host...
...the friendliest friendon earth, Rainbow Randolph!
Featuring Angelo Pikeand the Krinkle Kids!
Friends come in all sizes
That's right, Rainbow.
Friends come in all sizesThat's a fact, it's true
All the colors of rainbowFrom mauve to blue
Their names are differentTheir shoes don't match
Some like to tossWhile others to catch
One might say "grasp"While the other says "snatch"
Friends come in all sizesTake it from me
Golly gee, size never mattersWhen you want some friendly patter
From a pal who is true
And can lift you up when you're blue
You can count on himHe can count on you
It's true
Friends come in all sizesFriends come in all sizes
Yes, they do