The courier from Spain. Will there be war?
We'll soon know.
- The gates are closed!- I bear a message...
from His Majesty, King Philip of Spainto His Majesty, Louis, king of all France.
The courier from Spain! Open the gates!
Deschamps, it's the courierfrom Spain. Yes, I know.
What will it be, war orpeace? Neither for us...
if the good King Louis should catchthe charming Pompadour in my apartment.
Since when does the gallantDeschamps fear for his head?
Not mine. This one.
Much too pretty a head to be foundrolling around in the bottom of a basket.
But, darling, yourswould be there beside it.
You think of everything, my dear Pompadour.
Your Majesty? Your Majesty.
Hmm? What is it?
Sire, the courier from Spain.
Come here, come here. What say the Spanish?
Is it war? Not yet, sire.