New York City.
So many things have beensaid about it...
... but there's only oneI really like.
"New York.
It can destroy you or fulfill you,depending a good deal on luck. "
No one should come hereunless he's willing to be lucky.
And I got lucky.
I had an apartment downtown,but home was City Hall.
That's where it all began.
The day started out like other days,with a ceremonial function.
The mayor was giving the key tothe city to the governor of Tokyo.
- He liked soup for breakfast.Fish soup.
My dad offered to put it on the menu.
But, "No, no,"Mr. Hayatama said...
...who was a very gentle soul.
"No, it would betoo much trouble. "
My dad replied, "Too much troubleis no customers. "
The mayor, and he was the best mayorthe city ever had, was my boss.
I was his deputy mayor...
... his right-hand man...
... or his boy...
... depending on who wastalking about me.
But in Brooklyn...
... something else was going onthat would change everything.
It started with a cop...
... Eddie Santos, the toughest detectivein Brooklyn North.