10-86, possible 4- 17. Baker, Henry.
3000 block ofBagley, 4- 17, 10-30.
Get back!
-I'II shoot her!-Oh, my God!
3-L-90. I repeat:
3-L-90, request you notify hostagenegotiation team.
Have them respond to my Iocation.
-See anything?-Get those cars out of here!
Suspect is a maIe Caucasian,approximateIy--
I'm a reporter.How Iong have you been here?
Domestic or drugs?Is that his girIfriend?
-Get out of here.-Who is it?
-TaIk to me.-Get him out of here.
-Go on!-I got my passes.
-Shit.-I have every right to be here.
Where'd he go?
Suspect has withdrawn intothe interior of the room.
We no Ionger have visuaI contact.
That was my car.