I have an appointmentwith Mr. TerriII at 2:00.
Oh. Good afternoon, Mrs. LoveII.
Mr. TerriII has cIearedhis scheduIe for you.
How nice.
Right this way.
It´s a pIeasure to see youagain, Miss LoveII.
Step into my office.
Go ahead and sit down.
WouId you Iikesomething to drink?
What are you having?
Dr Pepper.
Dr Pepper?
WeII, I´m a Texan, so I grew updrinking Dr Pepper.
WouId you Iike one?
No, thanks.I brought my own.
So what can I dofor you besides...
pour your champagne?
ActuaIIy, I needsome professionaI advice.
I´m considering a divorce.
A divorce?
Has your husband provided youwith grounds?
He spends too much timeat the office...
and not enough time on me.
WeII, perhaps that´s his wayof showing you...
that he Ioves youby providing for you.
I think he thinks that.