My name is Richard.
So what elsedo you need to know...
stuff about my familyor where I'm from?
None of that matters...
not once you cross the oceanand cut your self loose
looking for somethingmore beautiful,
something more exciting...
and, yes, I admit...
something more dangerous.
So after 18 hoursin the back of an airplane,
3 dumb movies,2 plastic meals, 6 beers,
and absolutely no sleep...
I finally touched down...
Hey, you!How aboutyou?
In Bangkok.
Want to go tothe waterfall?
Come on!Floating market!
1,500!Cheap for you!
Come on! Hey!
Hey, you needsomewhere to stay?
No. I'll be fine.
I'll find my own place.Thanks.
What do you want,man?
And this is it...
good-time city,
gateway to southeast Asia,
where dollarsand deutschmarks
get turned intocounterfeit watches
and genuine scars.
Good time!
Boy, girl, fucking.No problem.
This is where the hungrycome to feed.
You want to drinksnake blood?
Wait a minute.
Did you say snake blood?
Oh, yeah.
No, thanks.
What is wrongwith snake blood?
I just don't like the idea.
Oh, maybeyou're scared.
Afraid of somethin' new?
No. I just don't likethe idea, that's all.
Ha! Like every tourist...
you want it all be safe,just like America.