If you have a chance,get over to the marine,
check out the marine´s countyart fair. It´s amazing.
It wiII be going on through thisthanks giving weekend.
WeII, nothing change.
We got fog and Iow cIoud inboth east bay and here in
San Francisco.
And we Iooking at a high of 68degree.
Time now is twenty three afterseven.
Oh my god.
Honey, turn it off.
We gotta make a baby.
I can´t do that now.
We have an issue that need tobe resoIved.
It´s red.
Good, I´II taIk to you Iater.
I thought you had a sentencing.
I do. So we got to hurry.We have got 7 minutes.
I´II be onIy 4 minutes Iate ifI check my messages in the car.
How about 1 0 minutes for us and1 2 minutes for your
Mind in thirteen.
No, suppose to be you´re ontop.
How come I never hear you saythat?
So nice.