CaII off your ungodIy dogs!
Quiet! Down!
Are you Mr. HeathcIiff?
WeII, I'm Mr. Lockwood,your new tenant at the Grange.
I'm Iost. I--
Can I get a guidefrom amongst your Iads?
No, you cannot. I've onIy got one,and he's needed here.
WeII, then, I'II have to staytiII morning.
Do as you pIease.
Quiet! Down!
Thank you for your hospitaIity.CouId you extend it to a cup of tea?
- ShaII I?- You heard him ask for it.
Thank you.
I presume the amiabIe Iadyis Mrs. HeathcIiff?
WouId it be taxing your remarkabIehospitaIity if I sat down?
I hope my hospitaIitywiII teach you...
not to make rash journeyson these moors.
As for staying here, I don't keepaccommodations for visitors.