Watch your step.
All Pulsar Four mining personnel
report to the resource expeditionoffice, level seven.
Not on a four-hour layover.
Operator. Can I help you?
Phone home. Phone home.
Please deposit $6 millionfor the first 3 minutes.
All lunar passengers,
please check with PassengerProcessing, level three.
That's us.
Can Scraps sit with us, Dad?
We'll check, Jimmy.The moon's a long way.
- Can I help you folks?- Thanks.
Is that your puppy, son?
Yeah. Scraps is goingto the moon with us.
No dogs are allowedon the shuttle.
I'm afraid Scrapswill have to be shot.
He shot him! He shot Scraps!
Just joking!
Blanks. See? Scraps is fine.
I says, "Wheneveryou're in town, call me."
Dinner in first class will bebean sprouts and broccoli.
- Chanting or non-chanting?- Chanting, please.