Once upon a time, in the little villageof Pudding-on-the-Ritz...
there lived a wolf named Phox.
That's Phox with a ''PH.'' P-H-O-X.My card.
There was no one so cleverat driving a bargain.
This horse is exactly what you need,Grandpa.
Got a three-speed bridle,matching horse shoes, wide sidewalls.
lt's a steal at 40 pazoozas.
- Can l look at its teeth?- Teeth? Teeth?
You buying a horse or a beauty queen?Come on, now.
Well, all right.Here's your money.
And here's your horse!
Well, come on, horsie.
Hey! l wanted a live horse!
lt was alive--but l didn't say when.
Nobody liked the Phox with a ''PH,'' butnobody could ever get the better of him.
One day, the sly Phox was trippingthrough the woods...
Oh, hardy, har, har.
when he chanced upon a mysterious boxsitting in an open glade.
On its top was writtenthis strange legend.
''To take my treasure you may try...
but he who opens me shall die!''A treasure chest!
Gadzooks, l'm in luck!
But whoever opens it shall die.
Ergo, l got to get some dummyto open it for me.
But who would be that muchof a nitwit?
Desmond Dullwit wasn't exactlythe village idiot.
- But l came in second.- Desmond, old buddy!
l need somebody to open a box for me.