Similar Reviews
Moderate Acceptance
– Directed by Spike Jonze
– More Where the Wild Things Are Adaptation Being John Malkovich
– Language
:00:18 Do I have an original thought
in my head? My bald head?
:00:19 Do I have an original thought
in my head? My bald head?
:00:21 Maybe if I were happier,
my hair wouldn't be falling out.
:00:24 Life is short. I need
to make the most of it.
:00:28 Today is the first day
of the rest of my life.
:00:32 I'm a walking cliché.
:00:34 I really need to go to the doctor
and have my leg checked.
:00:36 There's something wrong.
A bump.
:00:38 The dentist called again.
I'm way overdue.
:00:40 If I stopped putting things off,
I'd be happier.
:00:44 All I do is sit on my fat ass.
If my ass wasn't fat, I'd be happier.
:00:47 I wouldn't have to wear these shirts
with the tails out all the time.
:00:51 Like that's fooling anyone.
:00:52 Fat ass. I should start jogging again.
Five miles a day.
:00:56 Really do it this time.
Maybe rock climbing.
:00:59 I need to turn my life around.
:01:01 What do I need to do?
I need to fall in love.
:01:04 I need to have a girlfriend.
:01:05 I need to read more,
improve myself.
:01:08 What if I learned Russian
or something?
:01:09 Or took up an instrument?
I could speak Chinese.
:01:12 I would be the screenwriter who
speaks Chinese. And plays the oboe.
:01:16 That would be cool.
I should get my hair cut short.
:01:19 Stop trying to fool everyone
into thinking I have a full head of hair.
:01:22 How pathetic is that?
Just be real. Confident.
:01:25 Isn't that what women
are attracted to?
:01:27 Men don't have to be attractive.
:01:29 But that's not true,
especially these days.
:01:31 Almost as much pressure on men
as there is on women these days.
:01:34 Why should I be made to feel I have
to apologize for my existence?
:01:37 Maybe it's my brain chemistry.
:01:39 Maybe that's what's wrong with me:
Bad chemistry.
:01:42 All my problems and anxiety can be
reduced to a chemical imbalance...
:01:45 ...or some kind of
misfiring synapses.
:01:47 I need to get help for that.
:01:49 But I'll still be ugly, though.
:01:51 Nothing's gonna change that.
:01:52 Shut up!
:01:53 Shut up!
:01:56 Let's really try today
to solve our camera problems.