We have seen a star in the east.
It told usthe Son of God is born.
Nativity Play/Sermon/Dinner
The Lord Jesuswas laid in a manger...
...to bring salvationto the souls of those...
...with no place of their own.
Nothing is harderthan to have no place...
...but many are those without one.
Tell me about it!
In their solitude,they long for someone who will say:
"I want you to be here."
Not me, thanks.
Be quiet!
Jesus was born to offer those alonea place in which to be alive!
"Joy to the world,the food has come."
Gin! It's "the Lord has come"!
You don't know much, do you?
More than some faggot.
I am a mistake made by God.
In my heart, I am a woman.