For the lady of the camellias.
And they're almost twice as largeas usual.
l shall have twice as manyas usual tomorrow.
Twice as man--? Oh, don't listen to her,Barjon. l know what those things cost.
Aren't you willing to listen to her whenshe orders hats and dresses from you?
They're an investment.
Of course, l order too many flowers,hats and too many everything.
But l want them.
To the theater.
And there's no limit to your extravagance.Now, you won't be young forever.
lt's high time you settle somethingabout your future.
And l know the very man for you.
-Really?-Yes, really.
Aren't you interestedto know who it is?
Oh, yes, who is it?
The Baron de Varville, one of the richestand most elegant gentlemen in Paris.
One foot in the graveand a wig on his head.
Not at all. Not at all. Quite the contrary.He's young and handsome.
l heard from one of the girls in my shopwho heard from his valet...
...he's gonna be at the theater tonight.That's why l wanted you to look your best.