As the 19th century began...
a darkening shadowmoved across the face of Europe.
This shadow was propelledby the voice of one man...
Napoleon Bonaparte.
Only Russia and Englandoffered impressive resistance.
Over Russia the weather was clear... the sun was shining.
Napoleon was a thousand miles away...
and the streets of Moscowwere excellent for parades.
Splendid sight. Splendid men.Eh, Pierre?
- For parades.- What do you mean by that?
Remember. I've seenthe French marching too.
Don't tell me they marchbetter than that.
Led by the greatest man in Europe.
A usurper. A murderer.A deposer of kings.
A colossus.
A fresh wind.A cleansing force.
What does your father say whenhe hears you say things like that?
We don't talk about thingslike that, my father and I.