could no longer sustainour numbers, we were so many.
We found a new solar system:
Dozens of planetsand hundreds of moons.
Each one terraformed,a process taking decades...
to support human life. To be new Earths.
The central planetsformed the Alliance.
Ruled by an interplanetaryparliament...
the Alliance wasa beacon of civilization.
The savage outer planetswere not so enlightened...
and refused Alliance control.
The war was devastating.
But the Alliance's victoryover the Independents...
ensured a safer universe.
And now, everyonecan enjoy the comfort...
and enlightenmentof true civilization.
Why were the Independentseven fighting us?
Why wouldn't they lookto be more civilized?
I hear they're cannibals.That's only Reavers.
Reavers aren't real.Full well they are.
I heard they attack settlersfrom space...
and kill them,and wear their skins...
and rape themfor hours and hours...
It's truethat there are dangers
on the outer planets.
So with so many socialand medical advancements...
we can bringto the Independents...
why would they fightso hard against us?
We meddle.
People don't liketo be meddled with.
We tell them what to do,what to think.
Don't run, don't walk.
We're in their homesand in their heads
and we haven't the right.
We're meddlesome.
River, we're not tellingpeople what to think...