What's this ''having a picnic''in my car?
I'm not getting sex at home.Don't deny me this.
You sIeep witha beautifuI woman nightIy.
''Married'' means you sIeep together,but you can't get none.
Watch it with aII that shit,aII right?
Where are your cup hoIders?
I don't have one.
$80,000 for this carand there's no cup hoIder?
It's $105,000, and it's one ofthe fastest cars on earth.
0 to 60 in 4 seconds.
-It's a Iimited edition.-You damn right!
No cup hoIder, no back seat.
It's a shiny dickwith 2 chairs in it.
I guess we the baIIs,just dragging aIong.
Get it.
I can't get down there.You got an engineering fIaw.
My shit ain't going downup in there.
Go!Titty-titty, strutty-strutty.