I'm an attorney and thisisn't how I argue a case.
You're getting on my nerves!
This buiIding has been here 75 years.It deserves to remain for the community...
...because it representsthe ideaIs of that time!
The community deserves to havethis as a Iandmark. It is something to--
And we're removing it fromour chiIdren's chiIdren. You go back here.
This a community theater, and everyoneshouId benefit from this buiIding!
This is your Iast warning!We got a permit to take down this buiIding!
I have a permit that aIIows meto gather for the purpose...
...of expressing my constitutionaIIyprotected right of free speech!
-You want to get kiIIed, Iady?-Sir, according to city code--
-Forget about your code!-Section 245: If a Iandmark's committee....
-Forget about the code, Iady!-When a Iandmark's committee decision--
-Lady, you're in vioIation here!-Have you ever read the Constitution?
Take it up, CharIie!Watch this constitution.
-Do you read?-Come on, cIear the area!
Yeah, you're cIear. Go ahead.
Okay, you guys,this is just a scare tactic.
-That's aII this is.-WeII, it's sort of working.
MeryI, they do productions from the Y here,productions with IittIe peopIe!
The Nutcracker and Hair. We haveto Iie down in protest. Take out your mats.
Here, I've got your protective eye gear,your sun bIock and your wet naps.
-Everybody, Iie down in protest!-You better get out of the way.
-We wiII prevaiI!-You wiII go to jaiI!
Tom! Lock arms.
-I'm not feeIing great about this.-Have a IittIe faith, pIease.
MeryI, wouId you marry me?