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Oh, God, Sam. Murder?
-It wasn't me.-Nobody couId understand this.
It's too much.
I thought it wouId be easierif I toId you a IittIe at a time.
It wouId sink in a IittIe at a time.
Sink in a IittIe at a time?
You just dropped an emotionaI...
...anviI on my head.
Look at me. I'm fIat as a pancake.
-Are you even Iistening to me?-I'm Iistening to you, Ruby.
I'm Iistening to you with aII my heart...
...and that's why I had to teII you.
That's why you need to understand.
And that's when I feIt it.
FeIt what?
The fist.
-What kind of fist?-Pressing on me. ParaIyzing me.
It's so stupid, because,based on what he had just toId me...
...I shouId have punched him with that fist,in the other eye this time.
I shouId have just kicked him out!
But I couIdn't.