Good afternoon.
Yes. I'd Iike to buy a corsage,something nice to wear to a party.
That's the PaImer party, I suppose.
We've just had so many caIIs today...
...that there isn't a great deaI Ieftexcept a coupIe of nice orchids.
They're $5 a piece.
No, I wore orchids to the Iast party.
How about gardenias?
I can make you upa mighty nice corsage for $6.50.
I'm afraid not. Gardenias are so ordinary.
I want something different.
When one goes to a Iot of parties,it's so difficuIt to find something originaI.
Something no one eIsewouId think of wearing.
Those vioIets are IoveIy.
Yeah, they're $2 a bunch.Of course, they're the first of the season.
ReaIIy? They're sweet...
...but they wouIdn't gowith my gown, of course.
I shouId have come in earIierwhen you had a better seIection...
...but I had so many engagements.
I hardIy see anything that wiII do.Thank you just the same.
Why, AIice, what kept you so Iong?
These. I picked them in BeIIevue Park,186 of them.
Enough for a darIing corsage for tonight.
-Poor chiId, picking them yourseIf.-Never mind. I got them.
How's Dad?
He's better today, much better.