(man) Thank you, thank you.Oh, ifyou overate too much tonight,...
..l got a great song that the paisanswould understand. lt's ''Agita''.
Uno, two!
% Agita, my gumba, in the banzone
% When l eat,he gets a treat like a canzone
% he enjoys every meal,every bite that l steal
% Agita, my gumba, in the banzone
% Some people like their pizza,some people like suffrite
% And others like hot pepperon everything they eat
% You hunger with a vuoleto taste that bacala
% Then all at once you think''Will l answer to gumba?''
% My lovely, lovely woman,l hate to see her cry
% But when l start to mangia,l get the evil eye
% My vuole's gettin' stronger,ah, to hell with my gumba
% Then l get it from my woman,che de botts a na sciatta
% Agita, my gumba, in the banzone
% When l eat,he gets a treat like a canzone
% he enjoys every meal,every bite that l steal
% Agita, my gumba, in the banzone
We got to do miami jokes.If you're in FIorida, you do miami jokes.
morty, I tried miami jokes.I don't know what works any more.
- Why? What happened?- I got that big miami joke that I do.
About the hoteIs being expensiveand how much it costs,...
..Iike $1 50 a day for a sIeeping room,and I said to the cIerk ''What's cheaper?''
He said ''I got a room for $10,but you make your own bed.''
So he gave me a hammer and some naiIs.That's the joke.
- It's a good joke. It works.- Been workin' for years. Last night it died.