modelo 2000
– redireccionado por Jon Shear
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Urbania is a fictional country in the planned movie 'The Arabian Way Of Life' which is to be released sometime in 2010 or so. It is going to be an Arabian country, set in the middle of the Lebanese/Syrian border, but not reaching all the way to Turkey and Golan Heights. Its capital will be Porchese City, while other major cities include Sheikah and Ticonderga. Urbania is ruled by a royal family like in Britain. Also, Urbania will have its own language along with Levantine Arabic. This language will be Uqbarian. Uqbarian is sort of a European language since it will be written in English and sort of pronounced like it. In the movie, Urbania will be an enemy of the countries Uzbekistan and Iran while Urbania is close allies with Lebanon and actually even because Julie's home before she is named princess is located in Beirut.
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:00:23 Ouviste alguma
história boa ultimamente?
:00:29 Deixa-me ver se
conheço alguma.
:00:33 Ah, tenho uma boa,
:00:35 e esta aconteceu realmente.
:00:39 Juro.
:00:49 É outro exemplo do
universo dizendo,
:00:54 " Quando realmente acreditavas
estar tudo bem. "
:00:57 Quando realmente acreditavas
ter tudo controlado.
:01:01 No lugar errado no
momento errado.
:01:40 Dá-me um segundo
para decifrar o final.
:01:50 URBANIA
:01:58 Não comeces com isso.