Is this such a good idea?
Is marriage a good idea?Because marriage is huge.
I am having troubIe breathing.
I am having troubIe catching my breath.
-WouId you reIax?-How couId I possibIy reIax!?
Because it's my wedding.
That's Max. Only 19 years old...
...and is getting married tothe only girl he's everhad sex with.
That day l promised myself,l'd stay single forever.
Granted, Kimberly was gorgeous.
-What's the hoIdup?-Your groom isn't quite out yet.
WeII, fix it, Daddy!
l guess Max didn't see herquite the way l did.
Make him behave!
It wiII be perfect. I promise.
Kimberly's fatherhelped inventa very special pill.
Now, Viagra beat him to the market,but his pill wasjust as good.
lt could turn this...
...into this.
There's enough to givean eIephant a boner.
You are so bad.Your own sister's wedding?
PIease. She's gonna Iove it.
I'II put it on the gift tabIe.They'II take it on the honeymoon.