JOHN F. KENNEDY:Many years ago...
the great British explorerGeorge Mallory...
who was to dieon Mount Everest...
was askedwhy did he want to climb it.
He said, "Because it is there."
Well, space is there,and we're going to climb it.
And the moonand the planets are there.
And new hopes for knowledgeand peace are there.
And, therefore,as we set sail...
we ask God's blessing...
on the most hazardousand dangerous...
and greatest adventureon which man has ever embarked.
Thank you.
MAN: I hereby declarethis new world...
a colonyof the Terran Confederation.
REPORTER: With the charting ofthe fourth pulsar this year...
the Pilgrim explorers arebecoming a discussion point.
MAN: We are gathered hereto celebrate Dr. Peter Anthony.
His invention of the Navcom A.I.
is possibly the most importantdevelopment in space travel...
of the last century.
Finally, we can navigatealmost any jump...