Late 2003
Moderate Acceptance
– Directed by Louis Bélanger
– More
– Language
Gaz Bar Blues
:00:21 - Let him go!
:00:23 - It's the cops.
:00:24 - It's OK.
:00:26 - Stay in your cars!
- Move!
:00:28 - Get out of the way.
- Shut up!
:00:31 - Move!
:00:33 - I'II take care of them.
Stand up straight.
:00:37 - Take me instead!
- No! Not a chance!
:00:49 - Coming out! No tricks!
:00:53 Let me through or I'II kiII him!
:00:57 I'II bIow his brains out!
:01:02 - Having a gun
to your head does hurt.
:01:06 But when it fires,
I'II stop shaking.
:01:10 Death wiII prevaiI
over Parkinson's.
:01:14 I'm the man
at the end of the barreI.
:01:16 Francois Brochu.
PeopIe caII me Boss:
:01:20 I own the gas station.
:01:23 But, in fact,
I'm a sIave to my business.
:01:27 After my wife died, I kept
my famiIy together here.
:01:32 My chiIdren aren't happy here.
:01:36 I shouId've admitted Iong before
the hoId-up things were a mess.
:01:42 The hoId-up is just
the beginning of the end.
:01:48 (gun shooting)