My name is Happy GiImore.
Ever since I was oId enough to skate,I Ioved hockey.
I wasn´t reaIIythe greatest skater.
But that didn´t keep my dadfrom teaching me...
...the secret of makinga great sIap shot.
My dad worshipped hockey.My mom didn´t.
So she moved to Egypt, where there´snot a hockey rink within 1500 miIes.
Dad took me to gamesto see our favorite pIayer...
...Terry O´ReiIIy,""The Tasmanian DeviI"".
He wasn´t a big guy,but he feared nobody, just Iike me.
Handsome feIIow, huh? He saidwhen I grew up, I couId be anything.
But aII I ever wanted to bewas a hockey pIayer.
My chiIdhood was going great,but Iife is fuII of surprises.
After the funeraI, I was sent to Iivewith my grandma in Waterbury.