Good afternoon and weIcome to thePhase II Press Conference of the
upcoming mission for theGIobaI Precipitation Measurement.
To discuss the mission we havewith us John Stockton
GPM Project FormuIation Managerfrom NASA HQ.
Mohan Bhargava...
Project Manager and SpacecraftMission Director from GODDARD.
Over to you John.- Thank you George.
The Office of Management and BudgetreIeased the President's 2004
fiscaI year budget pIan in earIy FebruaryfIagging off the GPM Launch.
We have in the FormuIation phaseof GPM taken steps to reduce risks
to ensure a missionconfirmation review.
That's where Mohan Bhargava,our Project Manager comes in.
Thank you John.Good afternoon everybody.
Before I come to Phase II, a quick updateon the recentIy concIuded Phase I.
In Phase I we focused on theDefinition of Mission Scope,
Systematic Measurement Approachand TechnoIogy Roadmaps.
WiII you roII the tape pIease?Thank you.
The core sateIIite is designedIike a TRMM Spacecraft.