"My name is michelle mcNally"
"the 0lder child 0f an angl0 Indianfamily based in shimla"
"this st0ry is ab0ut me and my teacher"
"a st0ry ab0ut tw0 pe0pleleft inc0mplete by g0d..."
"wh0 have f0ught a battle with fate..."
"and made the imp0ssible, p0ssible"
"the w0rld in my st0ry is different..."
"where s0und transcends int0 silence..."
"and light int0 darkness"
"this is my w0rld"
"where n0thing can be seen n0r heard"
"there is 0nly 0ne name f0r my w0rld..."
"h0w l0ng can y0u live in this darkness?"
"A few m0ments... h0urs... days?"
"F0r 40 years I've livedin this darkness..."
"f0r 4 years I've givenmy final b.a. Exam..."
"and f0r twelve years, I've g0net0 this church, every sunday"
"but that sunday was special"
"I felt G0d w0uld answer my prayers..."