I got a star on my carand one on my chest
A gun on my hipand the right to arrest
I'm the guy who's the bosson this highway
So watch out what you're doin'when you're drivin' my way
If you break the lawyou'll hear from me I know
I'm working for the stateI'm the highway patrol
Well, you know me when you see me'cause my door's painted white
My sirena screamin'and my flashin' red light
I work all dayand I work all night
Just to keep the law and ordertryin' to do what's right
If I write you out a ticket
Then you better drive slow
I'm justа doin' my jobI'm the highway patrol
I'm the highway patrolThe highway patrol
My hours are longand my pay is low
But l'll do my bestto keep you drivin' slow
I'm justа doin' my jobI'm the highway patrol
Това е Чарли -грижовен баща, честен гражданин...
и 18-годишен ветеран на най-великатакрепост на закона в района -
Щатска Полиция Роуд Айланд.
Това е домът на Чарли -скромен като самия него.